Happy Sabbath! 

Did you guys know? It turns out that text messaging was not the only way people communicate back then. 

How did people communicate other than face to face and using text messages? 

There were other ways to communicate, namely through smoke and fire signals. A series of torches were lit along the coast of England in response to the attack on the Spanish troops in 1588. 

When the ships were seen and the danger sign was declared, a torch was lit, and when the flames from the torches were seen by them in the next torch, they lit their torches, and so on. 

On the other hand, smoke signals which was commonly used by some Native Americans, could be used to convey more complex news. 

Different puffs of smoke had different meanings so that the recipient could “read it.” Meanwhile, a moving signal meant only one thing that was agreed upon in advance-‘the enemy arrived!’-and different signals send different messages. 

From this we learn that the torch will be the direction for them. How about us? Before anything happens, God also always warns us first so that we don’t fall into sin. 

That is why Amos said, “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 (KJV) 

So, if today we get a warning from God’s “prophet” which might be a rebuke, let us listen and don’t be hardened! 

Happy Sabbath and God bless us all.

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