As a continuation from our devotion last week, we will be discussing about the second meaning of the Indonesian idiom—“Buah Tangan”—which means a gift or a souvenir that is given to others after traveling or visiting a place.

After travelling to a city or abroad, we usually bring gifts or souvenirs to our close family members or friends, don’t we? What kind of souvenirs do we usually look for? Most likely things that represent that city or place.

But now let us look at the gift God has given to us and the entire world.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

This is the best gift we have received from God. We should have died, but because of His death we all receive eternal lives. What an amazing gift! This is what grace is. Something that we do not deserve, but yet given to us and we receive.

Do not ever take this for granted. Do not think that since we have received this grace, we can have a life as we want and not obeying His will.

If we have ever trespassed the traffic law but under the grace of the police we are forgiven and allowed to continue without any penalty, will we trespass again? Of course not! We will be more careful and obeying all the traffic laws.

It is the same thing with our spiritual lives. Let us follow what He has commanded to us because He knows what is best for each one of us.

God bless you. Amen.

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