Shalom and happy Sabbath.

For the next couple of Sabbaths, we will discuss how wonderfully God created nuts, beans, fruits, as well as vegetables that are similar to human’s body parts. Not only do they resemble the human’s body parts, but also have benefits for our health. So, we out further ado, let us see what we have for today.

This Sabbath we will talk about Walnuts.

Let us see the picture of a walnut. See it closely and you will see wrinkles, folds, and it is also separated into two parts—the left and the right. When you are looking at a walnut, what part of the body are you thinking of?

Yes, it is the brain! The shape and texture of the walnut is similar to our brains. Interesting isn’t it? So, what are the benefits of walnuts? Is it good for our brain?

FIRST, the healthy fats from the omega-3 in walnuts is useful to decrease the bipolar symptoms, prevent depression, prevent and reduce the pain in the nerves caused by the wound in the sensory system, reduce the risks of dementia and alzheimer.

SECOND, it has a higher content of vitamin E than other nuts which is useful for reducing the risk of the delay in cognitive system (mental process like thinking, choosing, etc) as we get older, reduce the risk of stroke because of the damage in the brain.

THIRD, it contains vitamin B6, B12, iron, and calcium. If we lack of those vitamins, it will cause a damage in the learning process.

FOURTH, according to “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods,” the benefits of walnuts lie in the high concentration of the nutrition with enough amount of antioxidant and vitamin E needed for the body. Besides, walnuts also contain neuroprotective compound such as folate, melatonin, as well as omega 3 that support the health of the brain, including increasing the ability of reasoning.

FIFTH, the content of polyphenol in walnuts is also able to help reducing the inflammation in the brain. This is very helpful in protecting the brain function as we get older.

We have now seen the amazing benefits of walnuts for our brain. And for the non-meat eaters, if they consume enough walnuts, their bodies will not lack of omega 3 and other healthy vitamins.

We are also reminded that the very first food of human beings before sin is “… herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” (Genesis 1:29)

And the question for us to ponder today is whether or not we want to follow God’s plan in our diet. Ask for His helping hand to lead and guide you.

God bless you all. Amen.

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