Shalom and happy Sabbath!

We should enjoy the day of delight. And because it is on Sabbath, we have to keep our focus on God. Thus, we need to prepare what we need on the day of preparation. We can prepare special meals, and it will complete the joy we have on those Sabbath days.

“Provide something that will be regarded as a treat, something the family do not have every day.”

Child Guidance 532.2

But there is a counsel that we need to remember. Though we can serve something special, “we should not provide for the Sabbath a more liberal supply or a greater variety of food than for other days. … that the mind may be clear and vigorous to comprehend spiritual things.” (Child Guidance 532.1)

As we serve special meals that is different from the other six days, the Sabbath day itself is special and different from the other six days.

It is because after the creation of this earth and all the things in it, “on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

If we pay a close attention to these verses, we can see that this is the only day that God ceased from His work, blessed, and made it holy. There is no other day, on the creation week, that is written as a blessed and holy day.

Thus, let us believe what the Bible has said, believe that there is a special blessing as we keep the Sabbath holy.

May we all receive and feel the blessings God has promised today.

God bless us all. Amen.

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