Shalom and happy Sabbath.

Today, as we continue the 3rd part of the series, we will be talking about grapes.

As we look at the shape of grapes, what body parts that come into mind?

Grapes are similar to alveoli in the lungs. It is where the oxygen is released from the lungs to the bloodstream.

A reason why premature babies will have to strive to live because their alveoli have not formed perfectly during the 23rd to the 24th week of pregnancy.

As for our health, diet with fresh fruits like grapes has been proved to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Grape seeds contain chemical called Proanthocyanidins, which according to preclinical study contain the ability to hinder the growth of cancer cells in the lungs.

According to a book titled “OPC in Practice: The Hidden Story of Proanthocyanidins,” a French researcher, Professor Jack Masquelier found that grape seeds contain Proanthocyanidins which is effective in preventing lung cancer. It can prevent free radicals 20 times more effective than vitamin C and 50 times more than vitamin E.

Not only the seeds, but grape skin also has a great benefit. According to a research published in the “American Journal of Physiology,” grape skin has a compound called resveratrol. It is able to prevent asthma and chronic lung disease. 

We all know that a pair of lungs that we have is one of the most crucial organs, thus we need to take care of it. As we all know, “prevention is better than cure” It means that we need to take care of our physical health with healthy foods and have a healthy lifestyle far before we suffer from any disease.

God wants us to be healthy and thus He has given us all the healthy, beneficial foods in nature. He does that because He really loves us and He cares about our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Our part is to follow what our Great Shepherd has said.

And this is our prayer for all of us, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 1:2)

God bless you all. Amen.

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