Shalom! Happy Sabbath!

We all know about this term “Don’t cry over spilled milk” don’t we?

If it has spilled, how can we put it back? 

Have we ever missed a train or plane because we were late?

If we have been left behind, we will definitely regret it and wish we could wake up earlier so we would not miss it. But the reality is impossible! Because that day could not be repeated again.

Likewise with our lives, we cannot undo every wrong decision we take.

There is this one interesting quote related to this saying, “do not cry over spilled milk”; a quote that tells what if the people who walk on the wide road are asked about their preparation to face God’s judgment.

“… they will tell you that if they could take back and live over the past, they would correct their lives, shun the follies of the world, its vanity, its pride, and would adorn the body with modest apparel, and set an example to all around them.”

Messages to Young People 127.2

But it’s too late … the spilled milk won’t be back anymore. Regret always comes last.

The quote that we read earlier was given to us as a warning so that we do not cry over the spilled milk. This means that this quote is given to us because we still have a chance and it is to remind us not to be like those who ultimately regret. We still have a chance today.

Therefore my brethren in Christ, if we hear His Voice and warning today, be thankful for the Word of God says, “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty” (Job 5:17)

And in the book of Revelation chapter 3:19 also says that, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” 

So, Remember! “… , Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” (Hebrews 4:7)

Many say, “you only live once, so live as you wish and enjoy the pleasure this world gives.”

That principle makes many people do not care about their spiritual life at this time.

But we should be principled, “because life is only once, we must use our time and lives wisely, according to God’s will.”

Today we still have a chance to repent. Therefore, don’t be late to turn to God.

Happy Sabbath and God bless you.

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