In 1825, there was born a servant of God, Dudley Tyng. Throughout his life, he was never weary to share the Gospel to many and to speak in evangelistic meetings to bring souls closer to God. Never was there a compromised sermon ever came out of his mouth.

In 1858, a 33-year-old Dudley Tyng delivered a powerful sermon in Philadelphia, USA. About 5,000 people who were hungry and thirsty for the truth came to hear and study the Living Word. More than 1,000 people surrendered their lives to God and to serve Him.

A month after that meeting, he went to a countryside. There he observed a corn thrasher machine that was being operated. Accidentally, one of his sleeves was caught in the cogs of the wheel which caused a serious injury on his arm, artery, and nerves. Four days later, the infection spread and he passed away not long after that.

Before he died, some ministers and friends came to visit him and asked, “is there anything you want to say to us?” Without any doubt he replied, “Let us stand up for Jesus.”

This sentence then inspired George Duffield to write the hymn lyrics, “Stand Up For Jesus!”

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high his royal banner,
It must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory
His army shall he lead,
Till every foe is vanquished,
And Christ is Lord indeed.”

Dudley Tyng lost physically, but he was faithful until the end and won his spiritual battle. May this testimony reminds us to stay faithful to God and to “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” (Ephesians 6:10)

Happy Sabbath and God bless us!

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