Bahasa Inggris

What Are the Advantages of Following Satan’s Suggestions?

Are there any benefits following Satan’s advice? Maybe some people will say yes and some will say no! 

Perhaps some will say that following Satan’s suggestions will benefit them.

What are some examples? Perhaps the devil is suggesting: 

  • It’s ok to do corruption so you can get money faster.
  • It’s ok to cheat on exams so you can get perfect score.
  • It’s ok to lie so we can get bigger profits.
  • It’s ok to work on Saturday after church service so you can earn a living.
  • It’s ok to eat delicious meal although it contains shrimp somewhere; just make sure the shrimp is not visible.
  • It’s ok to keep playing games online so you don’t get stressed and bored.
  • It’s ok to ignore the Bible today; reading it once a week at church is enough.

Or maybe some other devil suggestions.

But is it safe to always think about the benefits of Satan’s encouragement? The pen of inspiration wrote, “It is not safe for us to linger to contemplate the advantages to be reaped through yielding to Satan’s suggestions.” (Messages to Young People 70.3)

So even to think about the benefits that you will obtain if you follow Satan’s suggestion is not safe for all of us, especially if we do it. 

Then what is safe for us to think and ponder? Think of the benefits that we will receive when we follow God’s advice, “For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” (Psalm 1:6) 

What are some examples of following God’s advice? 

  • Read the Bible every day because there are directions to eternal life.
  • Pray all the time so that we will be strong in facing trials.
  • Serve our neighbors so that we can feel joy that we have never felt before.
  • Memorize the verses in the Bible so that we are not easily swayed by Satan.
  • Forgive others so that we become healthier and filled with joy and peace.
  • Remember and keep the Sabbath day holy because there are special blessings we will receive if we keep God’s commandments.

Let us think about the blessings that we will receive if we follow God’s advice today. 

Good morning and God bless.


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