Bahasa Inggris

Open Your Hands Widely

Seeing the world’s condition which is full of suffering, poverty, sickness, and even death makes many people question the existence of God. Does He truly exist? If so, why is there poverty which leads to suffering in this world?

“There are many who complain of God because the world is so full of want and suffering; but God never meant that this misery should exist. He never meant that one man should have an abundance of the luxuries of life, while the children of others cry for bread. The Lord is a God of benevolence.”

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6, 273.3

“For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.”

Deuteronomy 15:11

Who should open their arms widely? 

“Those who have acquired riches have acquired them through the exercise of the talents that were given them of God; but these talents for the acquiring of property were given to them that they might relieve those who are in poverty.”

Signs of the Times, June 13, 1892 par. 1

“When men who have been abundantly blessed of heaven with large wealth fail to carry out God’s design, and do not relieve the poor and the oppressed, the Lord is displeased ….”

Review and Herald, June 26, 1894, par. 1

“That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.”

1 Timothy 6:18

God has given wealth and abundance to each one of us, perhaps not only worldly wealth, but also knowledge, joy, and many more. And God is waiting for us to open our arms widely to become a source of blessing for others. 

For those who have been blessed by worldly goods, will you give to those who are lacking? 

For those who has an abundance of health knowledge, will you share it with the needy? 

For those who is filled with joy, will you share with those who are in need of support?

And for those who abound in truth and hope in God, will you spread to those who are lost?

Answer it in our hearts!

May the blessings of Sabbath day be part of all of us. Amen.


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