Telecommunication Series

Telecommunication Series Part 5 – Electrical Signals In Coded Form

Happy Sabbath!

Last Sabbath we have studied semaphore and today we will learn how to communicate more quickly.

All of the previously used methods are impressive, but the real problem is the time it takes to convey a long distance message. All of this soon changed with the invention of the telegraph – a way to transmit electrical signals in code along a wire.

Why is it in code? Since it was thought that the human voice could not pass through the telegraph wire, the message had to be spelled in some way.

The first telegraph lines were installed in England between Paddington and Slough in 1843 and in America between Washington DC and Baltimore, Maryland in 1844. 

But it was an American inventor, Samuel Morse, the “father” of the telegraph, who made it an incredibly clever and useful tool.

Samuel Morse found a useful tool and at that time the telegraph succeeded in revolutionizing communication technology by removing the boundaries of people who wanted to communicate long distances.

From here we learn how Samuel Morse made a useful tool and became a blessing in those days, how about us? Have we given our energy, thoughts, and time to be a blessing for others?

God said to Abraham, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:” (Genesis 12: 2)

We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Therefore, let us use our time, energy, thoughts, skills to be a blessing for others.

Happy Sabbath and God bless us all. Amen.


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