Happy Sabbath!

The oldest and last to die of those born in the 1800s was Emma Morano. The Associate Press newspaper company reported that Emma Morano, an Italian, died at the age of 117 while she sat quietly in her rocking chair at home.

Morano was born on November 29, 1899 and she lived in three centuries. She is believed to be the last person to die who was born in the 19th century. 

Morano is the eldest of eight children; all of her siblings and only child died before her, including one sister who lived to be 102 years. 

Morano worked in a yarn factory and in a kitchen at a boarding school, retiring at the age of 75. When asked about the secret to her long life, she explained that she eats a simple diet, doesn’t eat too much, and goes to bed early so that she has enough hours to rest. Apart from that, her friends also said that Morano had good genes. 

The Bible also says that God desires us to always be “prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 1: 2). 

Because of that God has also recorded the best “recipes” in the Bible so that we can understand how we can live healthily, even in old age. The “recipes” conclude in The Ministry of Healing book, page 62, “Fresh air, sunshine, temperance, rest, exercise, nutrition, water, trust in God— this is true medicine.” 

May all of us, who are young, adults, and even the elderly be able to return to a healthy lifestyle because that is the best that God has provided for all of us. 

Happy Sabbath and God bless you.


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