Bahasa Inggris

Amazing Facts About the Tongue

Happy Sabbath

Did you know that almost all parts of the tongue are muscles? Inside a tongue are muscle fibers present vertically, transversely, and longitudinally — giving a wide range of movement. 

As a result, the tongue has the ability to move precisely, is complex, and broad. The tongue also has many important responsibilities that we usually overlook. 

For example, the tongue is needed to speak — no matter what language we speak. Without a tongue, there can be no conversation, singing, and whistling. The tongue is also important when we eat. 

The upper part is covered with tiny bumps called papillae, which give them a rough texture. This design helps the tongue to move food in the mouth and directs it to our neck. 

Without the tongue, we have to turn our bodies backwards to swallow food. The tongue is also the source of one of our favorite five senses — taste! The tongue has about 10,000 flavorings that are sensitive to sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes. The chemicals in the food we eat stimulate receptors from all of these areas, and nerves send these messages to the brain. 

Life will be dull without a tongue. Imagine food without taste! But we also have to be careful in using this extraordinary work of God, because the Bible has warned us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21)

What does it mean? First, as noted above, we can speak because we have tongues. What talk is coming out of our mouths? Is it gossip, ridicule, dishonesty, slander? Or are the words uplifting and strengthening? Let’s think about our words that have been coming out a lot lately — are they the words that give life or death? 

Moreover, because we now live in an online age, our tongues and mouths “move” on our fingers. What we write in chat, what we write in status, becomes an extension of our tongue and mouth. For that, let us also ponder, what message do I send to family and friends? What status do I display on social media? Is that what builds up or detracts from spirituality? Second, our tongue is also very important when we eat. What food do we eat? What is life-giving food? Or food that can carry disease, even deadly disease? Remember, when “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

For that, let us ask the Lord’s help to use our tongues for something that builds up and gives life to all of us spiritually.

Happy Sabbath and God bless you.


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